Sunday 30 September 2012

Singing for William Hill in Llandudno

It was great to be a member of the choir at St Paul’s Llandudno on Saturday 29th September. We formed at 10am, a very mixed bag in which most people already belonged to a choir and were familiar with the pieces to be sung.

For some reason I had assumed the choir would be much bigger than the forty we were and was feeling a bit exposed at being 20% of the bass line! But Michael crossed over from the tenors and then we were six.

At 7:30pm we were on stage by the altar singing a bit of Messiah and then the ‘Palestrina’ but my favourite was Vivaldi’s Gloria. With Chris like a tuning fork on my left and Michael on my right, nudging me when to sing or stop, and various hand movements to indicate a wrong note or which bar we were in – I muddled through and loved the experience. My first time in a choir since schooldays.

Our goal was to help raise funds for the William Hill organ installed back in 1910. A total of £150K is needed but I think sufficient funds are now available for at least the bellows to be fixed. This is what a 102 year old organ sounds like in a cold church with a very high ceiling:

Thanks everyone for making it such a great occasion and to Alison Smith for organising it.

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